Saturday, July 25, 2020

Manuel de construction métallique

Eurocode 3: "Calculation of steel structures" took over from the old national texts (CM 66 and Addendum 80). It is divided into twelve parts, the two main ones of which are dealt with in this manual: EN 1993-1-1: General rules and rules for buildings and EN 1993-1-8: Design of joints.

The extracts presented here make it possible to deal with a simple building project. As an essential complement, one will also find extracts from Eurocodes 0 and 1. They contain the basic rules and the calculation of the actions, in particular the elements allowing to determine the actions of snow and wind on current buildings.

Mainly intended for students of the BTS Metal Architectures: Design and Construction (BTS AMCR) and for civil engineering students (IUT and engineering schools) as well as their respective teachers, this manual will also provide all construction professionals metal a guide to find your way around the maze of Eurocodes.


  • Symboles utilisés
  • A. Eurocode 0: Bases de calculs
    • Eurocode 1 : Actions sur les structures
    • 1. Bases de calcul des structures
    • 2. Actions générales
    • 3. Actions de la neige sur les structures
    • 4. Action du vent sur les structures
  • B. Eurocode 3: Calcul des structures en acier
    • 5. Règles générales et règles pour le bâtiment
  • C. Eurocode 3 : Calcul des assemblages
    • 6. Calcul des assemblages  

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